I am a researcher at the Department of Electrical Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology. I received my PhD degree in cybernetics from the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava in 2015. My research interests are in the areas of optimal control, robust control and optimization.


"You know that children are growing up when they start asking questions that have answers."

John J. Plomp

I believe that we can make the world a better place. A place which is sustainable, green and safe. As a researcher with my colleagues at the Department of Electrical Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology we are working hard to make this dream come true. How? By developing clean, green, safe and sustainable transport systems.

As a cybernetic, I am working on optimal energy and emission management system for hybrid electric vehicles. Stability, optimality and robustness of a dynamic closed-loop system. These are the main keywords which represents my research focus.


I graduated at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology. I chose Bachelor degree program Industrial Informatics. Despite the fact that I was studying in a foreign language (Slovak), I got soon among the best. I am also proud of the fact that in Master degree program Cybernetics I graduated with honors and that I received an award of the dean of the faculty. My both theses bachelor and master ones were related to power systems but the main focus was put on the theory of control. In my master thesis (Modeling and Control System of Wind Power Plants with Pumped Storage Hydro Power Plant), I started dealing with non-linear systems, optimal control and with model predictive control. For this thesis I was given an award with a laudatory letter from the dean.

A gate to the world of science was my PhD study. I have been specializing in non-linear control theory, particularly in gain-scheduled controller design and its application in switched and in model predictive control. My research focused on finding a controller design approach for uncertain non-linear systems, which guarantees the closed-loop stability and the optimal controller output with considering input/output constraints, all this without online optimization and need of high-performance industrial computers. My research results were published in high imapct journas as well as presented at several conferences and symposiums all around the wolrd. A brief summary of my research results can be found also in my doctoral thesis Gain-Scheduled Controller Design. After that I defended my thesis I received an award of the rector for excellence in postgraduate study at the university.

Education timeline


Master thesis: Modeling and Control System of Wind Power Plants with Pumped Storage Hydro Power Plant

Courses: 13 main courses

Additional education: Mind control and nonviolent communication course

Additional achievements: 4 honors/awards


Bachelor thesis: Modeling and Control of Wind Turbine

Courses: 33 main courses

Additional education


The course addresses the supervision of the doctoral student’s research, study and learning process and displays the close link between supervision and the pedagogy of teaching and learning. (Personal Improvement Plan)

Place: Gothenburg, Sweden


Art. 23 of Act. No. 124/2006 Call. On Occupational Safety and Health Protection and on the Amendment of Certain Acts (Over 1000 V without limitation, including lighting conductors situated in class A and B premises)

Place: Bratislava, Slovakia

Mind Control and Nonviolent Communication Course (basic lecture series 101 through 404)


Place: Budapest, Hungary


Work Experience

I have had the honor of becoming a post-doctoral researcher at the Signal processing research group at Department of Electrical Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology in 2015 and continued my research as a researcher at the Mechatronics research group in 2017, and thus I got in contact with the Chalmers Area of Advance Transportation by Vinnova under FFI projects MultiMEC and VCloud II, with the Swedish Electromobility Center under project "Interdisciplinary post-doc Cluster for Future Hybrid Vehicle", which is a collaboration within three competence centers CERC, SEC and KCK. Furthermore, I also had an opportunity to cooperate with the Swedish "Energimyndigheten" under project Multi-CORE, and with VOLVO Trucks under project IMPERIUM.

I have attended also a six week full-time traineeship at Vodohospodárska Výstavba š.p. (Water Economy Building Company – Government-Owned Corporation) in 2011. Furthermore, I worked in part-time during my studies as a technician at companies ALGA and Slovenské Elektrárne a.s. (Slovenské elektrárne an Enel Group Company).

Control Engineer

Vodohospodárska Výstavba š.p. (Water Economy Building Company – Government-Owned Corporation)
6 week full-time traineeship



ALGA (General services)



Slovenské Elektrárne a.s. (Slovenské elektrárne an Enel Group Company)


Teaching Experience

I have several laboratory course teaching, instructing, examining and supervision experiences. I have always put a great emphasis on transparency, high knowledge level and satisfaction of the students. I tried to increase the courses’ transparency by creation of an interactive instructional web page for laboratory courses, which greatly facilitated the students’ work. I introduced several open-source program tools and solvers to students in order to allow them working after the lesson at home as well. Furthermore, since 2013 I have attended all the IFAC Symphosia on Advances in Control Education in order to present my educational research results and gain new experiences in this area, too. Currently, I am working on a new robust output-feedback LQR toolbox for MatLab and Octave and my plan is to implement it in the teaching process as well.

Honors and Awards

In this time of thanksgiving, I want to express my appreciation for my wife, family, friends and colleagues for being so understanding and inspiring. Without them I wouldn’t be who I am today.

Rector's prize

Award of the Rector for excellence in doctoral study at Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology.

3. September, 2015

Best student paper award

Award for the best student paper on the conference: "17th Conference of Doctoral Students ELITECH'15".

25. May, 2015

Best student paper award

Award for the best student paper on the conference: "11th International Scientific Conference on Control of Power Systems CPS'14".

22. May, 2014

Best student paper award

Award for the best student paper on the conference: "15th Conference of Doctoral Students ELITECH'13".

5. July, 2013

Award for master thesis

Award with a laudatory letter from the dean for excellent master thesis.

11. July, 2012

Dean's prize

Award of the Dean for excellence in graduate (master) study at Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology.

12. July, 2012

IEEE Award

IEEE Award for victory in the competition ŠVOČ'11 (Student Research and Professional Activities - 2011).

11. July, 2012

Best student award

Best student award with medal of merit for excellence in study at the Secondary Vocational-technical School of Electrical Engineering in Komárno.

6. June, 2007


"Today, learning is not the accumulation of information, but the subtle set of skills involved in knowing what to do with information. It is the ability to evaluate, synthesise and apply information. The purpose of learning is not just to inform but to transform. The goal is not just to cover material but uncover ideas and feelings."

J. R. Davis & A. B. Davis (2000), Managing Your Own Learning, San Francisco, BK Publishers Inc.

Language skills

- Mother tongue
- Full professional proficiency
- Full professional proficiency
- Elementary level



2017 - Present

MULTI-level Control for Robust integrated vehicle Energy management (MultiCORE)

The goal of this project is to develop control architecture and algorithms for predictive energy management, with the aim to optimize energy efficiency of hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) powertrains.

My related publications: [14, 15, 16, 17, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60]

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p2017 - Presentp


Fuel economy is a key aspect to reduce operating costs and improve efficiency of freight traffic, thus increasing truck competitiveness. The main objective of the IMPERIUM project is to achieve fuel consumption reduction of up to 20% (diesel and urea) whilst keeping the vehicle within the legal limits for pollutant emissions.

My related publications: [14, 15, 16, 17, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60]

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2015 - Present

Multivariable Methods for energy efficient Engine Control (MultiMEC)

The main objective of the project is to develop a modularized control system using advanced, multivariable, optimal, predictive and model-based control methodology for an engine case study (including look-ahead information) with guidelines for effective application in automotive systems in an industrial context.

My related publications: [1, 2, 3, 6, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 54]

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p2015 - 2018p

VCloud II

The goal of the project is to develop control algorithms that reduce fuel consumption and emissions during autonomous operation in a real-world software implementation in DriveMe hybrid vehicle. Furthermore, to develop control strategies for hybrid energy management that can handle future zero-emission zones at specific geographical points.

My related publications: [1, 2, 3, 6, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 54]

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p2015 - 2017p

Interdisciplinary post-doc Cluster for Future Hybrid Vehicle

In the multi-department interdisciplinary post-doc cluster project we are developing a concept for a hybrid vehicle using a lean-burn spark ignited engine and NOx reducing emission after treatment system (EATS). This concept focuses on the control of the combustion engine and the effect of temperature variations in the EATS on emissions for a hybrid vehicle.

My related publications: [1, 2, 3, 6, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 54]

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p2016 - Presentp

Control of dynamic systems under the conditions of uncertainty

Robust control belongs to challenging topics of control theory and practice having attained its maturity during past decades. The main objective of this project is to develop generlaized and less conservative robust controller design approaches in various control design fields such as static output feedback control, model predictive control, networked control and decentralized control.

My related publications: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 15, 18, 20, 23, 24]

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p2014 - 2015p

Research center for severe diseases and related complications

As the main focus of the project "Research centre for severe diseases and related complications" were chosen the diabetes problem and its complications. The main objective is to develop a discontinuous monitoring and control system for better controll of the patient's health state. The study includes 400 patients, along with DM type 1 and 2 and about 25 medical centers and several universities.

My related publications: [8, 27]

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p2012 - 2015p

Advanced Methods of Robust and Optimal Control

A realistic approach to dynamic system control has to consider uncertainties of various kinds in the system model. The main objective of this project is to develop robust control theory which provides analysis and synthesis approaches and tools applicable for various kinds of processes, including multi input – multi output uncertain linear or non-lienar dynamic systems.

My related publications: [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48]

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Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments. My office is located at the 5th floor in the EDIT building in Johanneberg campus, in Gothenburg. I am usually avaliable by phone from Mondays to Fridays between 8:00 and 18:00. Or just drop me a line below.

You can find me also on social networks like facebook, Google +, Mendeley, LinkedIn or Research Gate.

Drop Me A Line